**To understand the title below, there was some "drama" on a cloth diapering chat board that is un-related***
Another "unbelievable" diaper related story for the day...
Another "unbelievable" diaper related story for the day...
But this one is 100% true and I am sure that you all can sympathize with me!
This morning at 5am my husband gets up to go catch a plane to Denver. He is in the shower and I hear him yelling at me, it turns out that the water went off just as he suds himself up...
I'm kind of "out of it" b/c I am not sleeping all that well (new baby and all) so I didn't realize that he was sudsy and said I'll figure it out in the morning and rolled back over to try to get another hour of sleep before A-man wakes up. He wakes me back up (I must have fallen asleep quickly) and told me the situation again, I get out of bed, and head to the kitchen for a 5 gallon jug of drinking water that I filled yesterday, but realize I left it out in the pick-up. So I go back to the room and find some clothes in the dark (my light bulb burnt out last night too)
I head to the kitchen, look at the breaker box by our kitchen door, and fix the breaker, it flipped for some reason. but it fixed the water... or so I thought... 30 seconds later, no water. So out for the 5 gallon jug I go.
Carl gets cleaned up and leaves, mean time neither of us were awake enough to think what this meant long run...
Our well went dry. Our well is dry. We have no water. I can't go poop, pee, wash my FULL 2 day load of diapers (for 2 kids) nor can I do the dishes I neglected to do yesterday. My 4YO can't poop in the potty, and my DH is freaking all the way across the country! (OK yes it is 2/3 the way, I know, but come on...)
So how is this diaper related and what is so unbelievable about the story? Just wait for it.
I waited all day for a neighbor who replaced his well pump this week to come by the house to check the wiring hoping that there is a break which tripped things, no such luck.
After he leaves I throw the kids (3 of them) in the car b/c I need to re-fill the 5 gallon jug and get dog food (for our 3 outdoor dogs).
Canyon is 2.5 months old, Arden is 2 and Rory is 4. We get on the road and I realize it is 6:30 time to feed the beasts. So we decided to go to Olive Garden b/c the minestrone there is ok for Rory's allergies, and when it is just me and the kids it is only a $15 meal.
As we sit there eating things are going well (well being relative I guess to those that don't have 3 under 5) when the baby starts fussing. I pick him up and realize he is wet. WET - WET. I think, it's ok I will just nurse him wrapped in this napkin and go change his FB when we are all done (I mean come on who wants to trek 3 kids in the bathroom mid meal? One of which is shoeless b/c of a huge blister on his foot from his new crocs?)
As I latch him on and start back to eating, I see it.........
There is POOP EVERYWHERE. On me, the table, the bench, the car seat... he isn't wet, HE FRICKING EXPLODED EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mind you he was in a Fuzzi Bunz, it came out the top front, top sides, legs, everywhere!!!! Through his onesie, ugh it was awful!!!
I had to ask the waitress to sit with the older 2 while I went to the restroom to try to clean up... well guess what, in my rush to leave on our unplanned dinner outing, I forgot clothes for the baby, and I forgot wipes.
After cleaning the poor thing up the best I could with paper towels, I head back to the table with a mostly naked baby.
I left my waitress a $10 tip for a $15 meal and ran out the door (with 3 poopy cloth napkins tucked under the baby in his car seat).
I'm not sure I can ever go back to Olive Garden again!!!!
I left laughing b/c I didn't know what else to do... and we are heading to WalFart tomorrow for the things I decided not to go after tonight.
So anyway. I am without water, and have no clue what to do about that, my DH is gone for a week, and I can't even give my poop covered self a bath. (Or take a poop myself).
So what was so unbelievable? This is my very first cloth blow out!!!! In 3 kids!!!
So how was everyone else's day?
This morning at 5am my husband gets up to go catch a plane to Denver. He is in the shower and I hear him yelling at me, it turns out that the water went off just as he suds himself up...
I'm kind of "out of it" b/c I am not sleeping all that well (new baby and all) so I didn't realize that he was sudsy and said I'll figure it out in the morning and rolled back over to try to get another hour of sleep before A-man wakes up. He wakes me back up (I must have fallen asleep quickly) and told me the situation again, I get out of bed, and head to the kitchen for a 5 gallon jug of drinking water that I filled yesterday, but realize I left it out in the pick-up. So I go back to the room and find some clothes in the dark (my light bulb burnt out last night too)
I head to the kitchen, look at the breaker box by our kitchen door, and fix the breaker, it flipped for some reason. but it fixed the water... or so I thought... 30 seconds later, no water. So out for the 5 gallon jug I go.
Carl gets cleaned up and leaves, mean time neither of us were awake enough to think what this meant long run...
Our well went dry. Our well is dry. We have no water. I can't go poop, pee, wash my FULL 2 day load of diapers (for 2 kids) nor can I do the dishes I neglected to do yesterday. My 4YO can't poop in the potty, and my DH is freaking all the way across the country! (OK yes it is 2/3 the way, I know, but come on...)
So how is this diaper related and what is so unbelievable about the story? Just wait for it.
I waited all day for a neighbor who replaced his well pump this week to come by the house to check the wiring hoping that there is a break which tripped things, no such luck.
After he leaves I throw the kids (3 of them) in the car b/c I need to re-fill the 5 gallon jug and get dog food (for our 3 outdoor dogs).
Canyon is 2.5 months old, Arden is 2 and Rory is 4. We get on the road and I realize it is 6:30 time to feed the beasts. So we decided to go to Olive Garden b/c the minestrone there is ok for Rory's allergies, and when it is just me and the kids it is only a $15 meal.
As we sit there eating things are going well (well being relative I guess to those that don't have 3 under 5) when the baby starts fussing. I pick him up and realize he is wet. WET - WET. I think, it's ok I will just nurse him wrapped in this napkin and go change his FB when we are all done (I mean come on who wants to trek 3 kids in the bathroom mid meal? One of which is shoeless b/c of a huge blister on his foot from his new crocs?)
As I latch him on and start back to eating, I see it.........
There is POOP EVERYWHERE. On me, the table, the bench, the car seat... he isn't wet, HE FRICKING EXPLODED EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mind you he was in a Fuzzi Bunz, it came out the top front, top sides, legs, everywhere!!!! Through his onesie, ugh it was awful!!!
I had to ask the waitress to sit with the older 2 while I went to the restroom to try to clean up... well guess what, in my rush to leave on our unplanned dinner outing, I forgot clothes for the baby, and I forgot wipes.
After cleaning the poor thing up the best I could with paper towels, I head back to the table with a mostly naked baby.
I left my waitress a $10 tip for a $15 meal and ran out the door (with 3 poopy cloth napkins tucked under the baby in his car seat).
I'm not sure I can ever go back to Olive Garden again!!!!
I left laughing b/c I didn't know what else to do... and we are heading to WalFart tomorrow for the things I decided not to go after tonight.
So anyway. I am without water, and have no clue what to do about that, my DH is gone for a week, and I can't even give my poop covered self a bath. (Or take a poop myself).
So what was so unbelievable? This is my very first cloth blow out!!!! In 3 kids!!!
So how was everyone else's day?
Dready mama to 3 delightful boys
The midwife considers the miracle of childbirth as normal, and leaves it alone unless there's trouble. The obstetrician normally sees childbirth as trouble. If he leaves it alone, it's a miracle. --Sheila Stubbs
The midwife considers the miracle of childbirth as normal, and leaves it alone unless there's trouble. The obstetrician normally sees childbirth as trouble. If he leaves it alone, it's a miracle. --Sheila Stubbs