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Showing posts with label Show all posts

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Not all smiles and fun...

So many times we look at photos and think "oh what a perfect family" or "what a happy child"...

For the most part, we want to project those thoughts into our images... but I have to share one photo of my not so perfect, but perfect none-the-less, daughter. Here is my little fusser-butt in all her glory:

Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Vacation at Myrtle Beach...

We got to go to Myrtle Beach this past week, and had a blast!

We tend to spend most of our time at the State Parks. It is less crowded, and there are tons of fun things to see and do.

Myrtle Beach State Park is the closest to the house and is fairly isolated, giving the impression that you aren't "in town":

Huntington Beach State Park is another local park that is a ton of fun. They have a Nature Center, marsh lands, and a beautiful beach. Unfortunately while we were there, it was POURING rain, so we didn't get to do as much as we normally do.

We also went to "Broadway at the Beach" and while we were there this summer, Lego's Brickation was there! The kids (and cute hubs) had a blast!

The boys also decided to go in a fountain while we were there... I told them it was only ok IF they didn't get wet... they listened REALLY well.

We also went to Barefoot Landing.

All in all, it was an awesome trip, and we can't wait to go back again!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Birthday Fun

The Big A-man turned 6 this week, I cannot believe how big he has gotten!

For his birthday he got some fun things, including a new 18in bike! Here are a few shots from his first birthday pool party, his first ride, and his first wreck!

I'm so proud of my big guy.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

Summer Begins...

This is the weekend that we all associate with summer; the pools open, picnics start, and schools start to end. Our boys have one more week left of school, but for us, the summer fun has begun!

Our Memorial Day weekend didn't quite start out as we had planned... on Thursday we headed out to the Davidson River Campground to get a camping site, and to spend our weekend relaxing on the river. Well, when we arrived, it was full. All 164 "first come- first serve" sites had been taken, which NEVER happens on Thursday, always early on fridays... We didn't let this phase us though, and drove over to North Mills River Campground, but it was the same, no vacancy. We decided to try Lake Powhatan, but again, they were full!

We spent 4.5 hours in the car looking for a site, to no avail.

But we didn't let that phase us. The kids pitched tents in the back yard, we lit up the fire pit, and we had "campfire stew" (foil packets filled with veggies and meat, cooked over the coals of the fire). Since then, we have filled the weekend with friends, fun, and festivities!

Yesterday we went to the Cradle of Forestry, and hung out with friends. Here is a sequence of shots of Rory jumping from a 12-15ft rock on the Davidson River, he did it once, but refused the second and third times he climbed up, apparently it scared him a little! LOL!

 And here is a random of Evie from the shore while we watched big brother.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dirty as can be...

I thought little girls were supposed to stay clean and not look like this? ;o)

Here is Evie, in all her glory, before we changed her to go to the crossover ceremony. She was mad that I was breaking out the wipes to clean her off... but her protest was so lacking, that I had to stop for a photo op!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Proud Cub Scout Parents...

The scouting program is such an important piece of a child's life. It is something that Cute Hubs and I whole heartedly believe in. It not only gives children opportunities, goals, and life lessons, but it is also a place where the whole family can enjoy these achievements together.

Before having children, Cute Hubs stared and was Cub Master of two separate Cub Scout Packs, and ever since we had our first boy, let alone all three, he has been chomping at the bit to get them into scouting.

This year, Hubs was a Co- Den leader with a fellow friend, and he and Rory loved it. The other kids in the den grew as friends, learned together, and flourished under Cute Hubs and the other leader.  

Tonight was the "pay off" for all of the sweat and tears that we put into the pack, into the den, and into the boys. Tonight our Wolves crossed over to becoming Bears.

We are so proud of Rory, but not just him, we are proud of all the boys, of all the hard work, and also of the parents for making it happen. These boys and their parents worked hard to earn their ranks, and it melts my heart to know we will get to help them all thrive next year as well.

Next year will be double fun for us since Arden is going to be entering into the Tigers. I am excited to say that I will be volunteering to lead the Tigers, and can't wait. I already have so many ideas!

Here are a few photos from the weekend of all the boys. Sorry for the poor quality, they were taken at night, and I didn't want to use the flash.