Rory is learning to ride his bike, we took off the training wheels today, and it wasn't too bad... We fell some, decided that we were never going to learn to ride, and that it is too hard... but as soon as mom bribed with some Italian Ice, things looked up... (yeah, I'm not above bribing my kids!)
Monday, May 11, 2009
More from the Birthday Boy!
Ok, here are a few more photos from the Birthday Boy. I wanted to try to get a few nice ones today, but so far the weather is not cooperating.
Canyon's awesome tie-dye shirt was made by an awesome company in Hawaii called Mother Sunshine we love her work! You should check it out.
His cake (and some of the cupcakes) were from Short Street Cakes. Jodi and the girls there ROCK and did some delicious vegan/gluten free yummies for us. Thanks again Jodi; you guys rock my socks! (Don't tell anyone, but Canyon didn't eat his cupcake that you see in yesterday's post... mama did, LOL.)
Check out the drool in this one! It is almost like he knew how awesome these bars taste! (Yeah, mom ate one for breakfast, but we aren't telling anyone that either!)
And here is my "baby" (really, my "not such a baby") sleeping on his mama after being worn out by all the fun!
Canyon's awesome tie-dye shirt was made by an awesome company in Hawaii called Mother Sunshine we love her work! You should check it out.
His cake (and some of the cupcakes) were from Short Street Cakes. Jodi and the girls there ROCK and did some delicious vegan/gluten free yummies for us. Thanks again Jodi; you guys rock my socks! (Don't tell anyone, but Canyon didn't eat his cupcake that you see in yesterday's post... mama did, LOL.)
Check out the drool in this one! It is almost like he knew how awesome these bars taste! (Yeah, mom ate one for breakfast, but we aren't telling anyone that either!)
And here is my "baby" (really, my "not such a baby") sleeping on his mama after being worn out by all the fun!
Asheville Photography,
lisa gittings,
LM Gittings
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Baby!
My baby is officially one-year-old today! I cannot believe it!
We had an awesome turn out for his celebration, and we all had a great time!
Here are a few photos of the birthday boy from his party, I'm too pooped to get more up.
But I promise more photos of the Can-man over the next few days :O)
We had an awesome turn out for his celebration, and we all had a great time!
Here are a few photos of the birthday boy from his party, I'm too pooped to get more up.
But I promise more photos of the Can-man over the next few days :O)
Asheville Photography,
lisa gittings,
LM Gittings
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Almost One...
Yup, that is right, Canyon turns one-year-old tomorrow! Just a fair warning, there are a TON of photos on this blog post...
I cannot believe it. My little baby is not-so-little any more... where has it gone?
Here are some photos of his first year... Some of these are mine, and the better ones are by Sonya Stone(Thank You Sonya for the photos by you!) Official one-year-old shots will be taken tomorrow or Monday... so stay tuned!
First Moments:
First Week:
First 10 days:
One Month:
Two Months:
Three Months:
Four Months:
Five Months:
6 months:
7 Months:
8 months:
9 Months:
10 Months:
11 Months:
And just last week:
I cannot believe it. My little baby is not-so-little any more... where has it gone?
Here are some photos of his first year... Some of these are mine, and the better ones are by Sonya Stone(Thank You Sonya for the photos by you!) Official one-year-old shots will be taken tomorrow or Monday... so stay tuned!
First Moments:
First Week:
First 10 days:
One Month:
Two Months:
Three Months:
Four Months:
Five Months:
6 months:
7 Months:
8 months:
9 Months:
10 Months:
11 Months:
And just last week:
Asheville Photography,
lisa gittings,
LM Gittings
Friday, May 8, 2009
Really? Is my little baby old enough for SCHOOL?!
Yup. It was a bittersweet day today as I took Rory down to the primary school to enroll him for Kindergarten in the public school system.
After his assessment test, and meeting the teachers, he was excited about going. I'm glad one of us is excited about it, lol. I'm glad he is looking forward to it. He is so eager to learn.
I found a few things interesting, and disturbing all in one.
#1. I had to request PERMISSION not to give his SSN to the school.
~What? Really? Since when does a 5-year-old have a job where social security has to be with-held from his paycheck? Needless to say, we aren't giving it. (Yeah, we are weird like that).
#2. In order for them not to require him to have MILK with the school lunch, (which is one of his 3 food allergies) I have to get a doctor's note excusing it, and telling the school what to replace it with.
~Since when is it the duty of a public school to dictate what is or is not appropriate for a child to eat? Not to mention, how is it not the job of a parent to say "My child can't have X food"? Why is a doctor, who sees a child once a year, more qualified to say what is or isn't ok for their diet? Rory is allergic to dairy, wheat, and yeast. No, not lactose intolerant, but ALLERGIC. We know this b/c we took it on ourselves to figure it out, not the doctor who barley knows my kid... It just kind of bugs me, I mean, my kids/ my decisions, right? I know what is best for my family, and make the decisions accordingly.
#3. Vaccine waivers...
~Umm... yeah. That wasn't too bad, but still.
#4. Wow, I was amazed at the education level of incoming children.
~Rory has not attended school yet, not preschool or a daycare... but he knows his basics. Children entering the schools don't have to know colors, shapes, letters, or numbers. Let alone how to read, count, write their names, etc... Rory is reading some, and will be reading a LOT over the next month or two... will this hold him back? There is a high number of ESL children that speak no English there too... and they are in the same classes... (and I mean NO English). The whole language thing is a debate on it's own, but I want my child to flurish, and I worry that he won't be able to in this circumstance. Only time will tell.
So, yup. My baby is getting ready to go to school! When did he grow up? And how is this going to go???
On an unrelated note... He learned how to wet exit from a kayak tonight at roll session, and was really comfortable doing it! YEY!
Yup. It was a bittersweet day today as I took Rory down to the primary school to enroll him for Kindergarten in the public school system.
After his assessment test, and meeting the teachers, he was excited about going. I'm glad one of us is excited about it, lol. I'm glad he is looking forward to it. He is so eager to learn.
I found a few things interesting, and disturbing all in one.
#1. I had to request PERMISSION not to give his SSN to the school.
~What? Really? Since when does a 5-year-old have a job where social security has to be with-held from his paycheck? Needless to say, we aren't giving it. (Yeah, we are weird like that).
#2. In order for them not to require him to have MILK with the school lunch, (which is one of his 3 food allergies) I have to get a doctor's note excusing it, and telling the school what to replace it with.
~Since when is it the duty of a public school to dictate what is or is not appropriate for a child to eat? Not to mention, how is it not the job of a parent to say "My child can't have X food"? Why is a doctor, who sees a child once a year, more qualified to say what is or isn't ok for their diet? Rory is allergic to dairy, wheat, and yeast. No, not lactose intolerant, but ALLERGIC. We know this b/c we took it on ourselves to figure it out, not the doctor who barley knows my kid... It just kind of bugs me, I mean, my kids/ my decisions, right? I know what is best for my family, and make the decisions accordingly.
#3. Vaccine waivers...
~Umm... yeah. That wasn't too bad, but still.
#4. Wow, I was amazed at the education level of incoming children.
~Rory has not attended school yet, not preschool or a daycare... but he knows his basics. Children entering the schools don't have to know colors, shapes, letters, or numbers. Let alone how to read, count, write their names, etc... Rory is reading some, and will be reading a LOT over the next month or two... will this hold him back? There is a high number of ESL children that speak no English there too... and they are in the same classes... (and I mean NO English). The whole language thing is a debate on it's own, but I want my child to flurish, and I worry that he won't be able to in this circumstance. Only time will tell.
So, yup. My baby is getting ready to go to school! When did he grow up? And how is this going to go???
On an unrelated note... He learned how to wet exit from a kayak tonight at roll session, and was really comfortable doing it! YEY!
Asheville Photography,
lisa gittings,
LM Gittings
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Swim Lessons...
For Rory and Arden!!! Can you believe it?!
What is really cool is that a few friends of ours are in the classes too!
Here are a few pics... Boy are they having a blast!
What is really cool is that a few friends of ours are in the classes too!
Here are a few pics... Boy are they having a blast!
Asheville Photography,
lisa gittings,
LM Gittings
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Just a Funny...
This might not be funny to you all, but it was to me, and I want to remember it, so here it is:
We are driving in the car and I smelled something, so I asked the kids who it was... of course I get the "not me" answer from everyone.
Then out of the silence, I hear the passing of gas and smell it... it is Canyon. No doubt this time.
Arden (who mind you has very limited speech) says "Canyon POOP!"
To which I reply, "I know honey, I can smell him..."
About 20 seconds later Arden says (as clear as day) "Me can smell him too mama. He pooped."
All of us were cracking up. How is that for one of your first complete sentences?
We are driving in the car and I smelled something, so I asked the kids who it was... of course I get the "not me" answer from everyone.
Then out of the silence, I hear the passing of gas and smell it... it is Canyon. No doubt this time.
Arden (who mind you has very limited speech) says "Canyon POOP!"
To which I reply, "I know honey, I can smell him..."
About 20 seconds later Arden says (as clear as day) "Me can smell him too mama. He pooped."
All of us were cracking up. How is that for one of your first complete sentences?
Asheville Photography,
lisa gittings,
LM Gittings
Monday, May 4, 2009
UpDate to Bummed...
It appears that Jenn passed away this morning.
I will still be fasting tomorrow, in hopes that her family finds peace in this horrible time.
I will still be fasting tomorrow, in hopes that her family finds peace in this horrible time.
Asheville Photography,
lisa gittings,
LM Gittings
How is it that the internet can connect people who have never met, and make differences in their lives?
For over a year now, I have been following the blog of a mom who has been fighting breast cancer since 2003/2004. A local mom posted her link on a chat group and I happened to click it.
I have never met this woman, but her story, her strength, and her life have effected me. I now do monthly breast exams... I have fasted for her and all of those effected by breast cancer at least once a month since I started following her story.
What is even worse is that her story is not uncommon. I cannot imagine the pain of knowing I was going to be leaving my children in that way, and knowing what they were going to see.
She is amazing.
Her brother updated her blog last night, and it looks like she is not going to win this fight. Her body is shutting down.
I will be praying and fasting for her tomorrow, I would love for you all to as well.
Please pray that she passes in peace and that her husband, children, family and friends find peace with their pain too.
I'm sending as much love and strength to her as I can.
For over a year now, I have been following the blog of a mom who has been fighting breast cancer since 2003/2004. A local mom posted her link on a chat group and I happened to click it.
I have never met this woman, but her story, her strength, and her life have effected me. I now do monthly breast exams... I have fasted for her and all of those effected by breast cancer at least once a month since I started following her story.
What is even worse is that her story is not uncommon. I cannot imagine the pain of knowing I was going to be leaving my children in that way, and knowing what they were going to see.
She is amazing.
Her brother updated her blog last night, and it looks like she is not going to win this fight. Her body is shutting down.
I will be praying and fasting for her tomorrow, I would love for you all to as well.
Please pray that she passes in peace and that her husband, children, family and friends find peace with their pain too.
I'm sending as much love and strength to her as I can.
Asheville Photography,
lisa gittings,
LM Gittings
International Day of the Midwife
NC Home Birth Families to Advocate for Licensing Midwives at State Legis on Int'l Day of the Midwife
CONTACT: Russ Fawcett, (910) 471-5187,
IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, May 4, 2009
North Carolina Home Birth Families to Advocate for Licensing Midwives at the State Legislature on ‘International Day of the Midwife’
Legislation Would Let NC Join 25 Other States in Advancing Healthcare Options for Families Who Choose Midwife-led Care in Out-of-Hospital Settings.
RALEIGH, NC (May 4, 2009)—Families from across the state will convene at the statehouse on May 5, 2009 to honor “International Day of the Midwife” and to advocate to members of the legislature for safe and legal access to out-of-hospital maternity care providers. They again will draw attention to the NC House Select Committee on Licensing Midwives release in December 2008 of a study committee report, which calls on the state to license and regulate Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs), who are specifically trained in out-of-hospital deliveries.
“We applaud the Committee for recommending a much-needed and long-overdue reform in current law and policy,” said Russ Fawcett, Legislative Chair for North Carolina Friends of Midwives. “Homebirths have more than doubled in North Carolina in the past few years. Each year, more North Carolina families choose out-of-hospital birth for religious, cultural, philosophical or financial reasons. These families deserve safe and affordable maternity care, and the midwives who provide it deserve legal recognition.”
Currently, there are no laws in North Carolina to regulate CPMs, who deliver babies in private homes and freestanding birth centers. Studies show that low-risk women who plan home births under the care of CPMs have outcomes equal to low-risk women who deliver in the hospital, but with far fewer costly and preventable interventions. A study commissioned by the Washington legislature found that during the last five years alone, the state’s licensed midwives saved taxpayers and private insurers more than $10 million.
“From both a cost and a safety standpoint, licensing midwives is an important public health issue,” said Henry Dorn, MD, a board-certified OBGYN who practices in High Point. “The CPM credential is the gold standard for midwives who specialize in out-of-hospital birth, and it is critical that we do all we can to ensure that women in our state have access to the safest care possible, including collaborative care with other providers when it becomes necessary.”
North Carolina Friends of Midwives, a grassroots organization of midwife advocates dedicated to promoting, supporting, and protecting midwifery in North Carolina. North Carolina is a priority of The Big Push for Midwives Campaign a nationally coordinated campaign to advocate for regulation and licensure of Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs) in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, and to push back against the attempts of the American Medical Association Scope of Practice Partnership to deny American families access to legal midwifery care. Through its work with state-level advocates, the Big Push is helping to build a new model of U.S. maternity care built on expanding access to out-of-hospital maternity care and CPMs, who provide affordable, quality, community-based care that is proven to reduce costly and preventable interventions as well as the rate of low-birth weight and premature births.
Media inquiries about North Carolina Friends of Midwives should be directed to Russ Fawcett at (910) 471-5187, Media inquiries about the Big Push should be directed to Steff Hedenkamp at (816) 506-4630,
North Carolina Friends of Midwives | 5990 Beaman Old Creek Road | Walstonburg, NC 27888 | (252) 747-7785 | |
CONTACT: Russ Fawcett, (910) 471-5187,
IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, May 4, 2009
North Carolina Home Birth Families to Advocate for Licensing Midwives at the State Legislature on ‘International Day of the Midwife’
Legislation Would Let NC Join 25 Other States in Advancing Healthcare Options for Families Who Choose Midwife-led Care in Out-of-Hospital Settings.
RALEIGH, NC (May 4, 2009)—Families from across the state will convene at the statehouse on May 5, 2009 to honor “International Day of the Midwife” and to advocate to members of the legislature for safe and legal access to out-of-hospital maternity care providers. They again will draw attention to the NC House Select Committee on Licensing Midwives release in December 2008 of a study committee report, which calls on the state to license and regulate Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs), who are specifically trained in out-of-hospital deliveries.
“We applaud the Committee for recommending a much-needed and long-overdue reform in current law and policy,” said Russ Fawcett, Legislative Chair for North Carolina Friends of Midwives. “Homebirths have more than doubled in North Carolina in the past few years. Each year, more North Carolina families choose out-of-hospital birth for religious, cultural, philosophical or financial reasons. These families deserve safe and affordable maternity care, and the midwives who provide it deserve legal recognition.”
Currently, there are no laws in North Carolina to regulate CPMs, who deliver babies in private homes and freestanding birth centers. Studies show that low-risk women who plan home births under the care of CPMs have outcomes equal to low-risk women who deliver in the hospital, but with far fewer costly and preventable interventions. A study commissioned by the Washington legislature found that during the last five years alone, the state’s licensed midwives saved taxpayers and private insurers more than $10 million.
“From both a cost and a safety standpoint, licensing midwives is an important public health issue,” said Henry Dorn, MD, a board-certified OBGYN who practices in High Point. “The CPM credential is the gold standard for midwives who specialize in out-of-hospital birth, and it is critical that we do all we can to ensure that women in our state have access to the safest care possible, including collaborative care with other providers when it becomes necessary.”
North Carolina Friends of Midwives, a grassroots organization of midwife advocates dedicated to promoting, supporting, and protecting midwifery in North Carolina. North Carolina is a priority of The Big Push for Midwives Campaign a nationally coordinated campaign to advocate for regulation and licensure of Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs) in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, and to push back against the attempts of the American Medical Association Scope of Practice Partnership to deny American families access to legal midwifery care. Through its work with state-level advocates, the Big Push is helping to build a new model of U.S. maternity care built on expanding access to out-of-hospital maternity care and CPMs, who provide affordable, quality, community-based care that is proven to reduce costly and preventable interventions as well as the rate of low-birth weight and premature births.
Media inquiries about North Carolina Friends of Midwives should be directed to Russ Fawcett at (910) 471-5187, Media inquiries about the Big Push should be directed to Steff Hedenkamp at (816) 506-4630, Steff@TheBigPushForMidwive
North Carolina Friends of Midwives | 5990 Beaman Old Creek Road | Walstonburg, NC 27888 | (252) 747-7785 | |
Asheville Photography,
lisa gittings,
LM Gittings
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Rain Drops on Roses...
Ok, well maybe not a rose, but other flowers are starting to bloom! I can't wait for my roses to come out! Here are a few of my azaleas. I have white, pink, purple, and red.
Asheville Photography,
lisa gittings,
LM Gittings
Friday, April 24, 2009
Our New Summer Home...
Today we spent the day at our new summer home... what do you think? Of course we have opened it up to the public for tours and such...
Asheville Photography,
lisa gittings,
LM Gittings
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