Saturday, May 19, 2012

Proud Cub Scout Parents...

The scouting program is such an important piece of a child's life. It is something that Cute Hubs and I whole heartedly believe in. It not only gives children opportunities, goals, and life lessons, but it is also a place where the whole family can enjoy these achievements together.

Before having children, Cute Hubs stared and was Cub Master of two separate Cub Scout Packs, and ever since we had our first boy, let alone all three, he has been chomping at the bit to get them into scouting.

This year, Hubs was a Co- Den leader with a fellow friend, and he and Rory loved it. The other kids in the den grew as friends, learned together, and flourished under Cute Hubs and the other leader.  

Tonight was the "pay off" for all of the sweat and tears that we put into the pack, into the den, and into the boys. Tonight our Wolves crossed over to becoming Bears.

We are so proud of Rory, but not just him, we are proud of all the boys, of all the hard work, and also of the parents for making it happen. These boys and their parents worked hard to earn their ranks, and it melts my heart to know we will get to help them all thrive next year as well.

Next year will be double fun for us since Arden is going to be entering into the Tigers. I am excited to say that I will be volunteering to lead the Tigers, and can't wait. I already have so many ideas!

Here are a few photos from the weekend of all the boys. Sorry for the poor quality, they were taken at night, and I didn't want to use the flash.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cub Scout Adventure

This weekend I was lucky enough to take Rory on a Cub Scout Camping Trip to Camp Daniel Boone. It was quite the adventure, and I am pleased to say we are both back, with all eyes, limbs, and digits intact :o)

Here are a few photos of our trip:

It started with an early morning arrival and fog:

After checking in and setting up camp, we sat and watched some sparrows fly all over:

First stop, BB Guns:

Then Archery:

Where we found out that Rory isn't quite the Robin Hood he thought:

He even built a boat for the Regatta!

Lastly we attended the evening campfire (sorry for the cell phone photo!):

Friday, April 27, 2012

K and C Engagement

So, in just a few short weeks, this beautiful and happy couple will be wedded and embark on their new lives together. Congrats to you both!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I'm proud of the boys, the older two decided to play soccer this year and are doing wonderfully. They are having fun, learning, and excited about it.

Arden was thrilled when his team was given the sportsmanship awards at today's game! Here he is holding his, and during his game.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Team Photo

Rory is finally playing a team sport (so is Arden) and loving it! He is on a team with some great kids, and they seem to have a lot of fun!

Here is their team photo:

But here is who they really are:

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Someone, please explain if you can...

How is it, I can have 6 sippy cups, all the same brand and size, but only have two sets of lids and nipples? I have scoured the entire house looking for the remaining parts to no avail. They are not in the cabinets; they are not in the drawers; they are not hiding in the tupperware or storage bins; they are not in the sink.


On that note, I do not only have a sippy top thief 'around these-here parts', but someone(s) is (are) conspiring to drive me insane by knotting all of the pull cords for the window shades into huge knots that I have to give up on untying because they are so bad...

This is enough to drive a woman crazy!

But that isn't all!!!

Someone has been hiding all the wash cloths from the bathroom, (I still haven't found those).

They have also decided to use my computer desk (my only "personal place" in the house) as their very own pile up area for anything they decide to move around. Right now, as I sit and type, I am looking at a block of foam, a red tonka truck, 2 batteries, a comb, 3 stuffed animals, baby wipes, 3 Wii games, a ball of yarn, two pair of children's scissors, someone's homework that they forgot to take in, two head bands and what is left of a chocolate Easter bunny.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Long overdue...

Back in August I did a maternity session for a local mom and didn't have the editing software to make the photos what I had wanted them to be... I have what I need now and am still editing them, but here are some that I am loving! Thanks so much to the mom for being patient and such a good sport during the shoots!